Josh Haas
About Josh
I run a business called Fitness Concierge SRQ and I service the needs of mostly locals and a few snow birds as well. I am Certified through ACE (American Coucil on Exercise). Most of my clients fall into the baby boomer category but I do have a few younger clients that really like to get after it and I have a handful of elderly clients too (78+). Sessions typically last about 45 minutes in length. I train the majoriity of my clients at the following locations:
Ritz Carlton Beach Club
Ritz Carlton Residence's
Studio South
Sansara Building
Studio South located on Palm Avenue in downtown Sarasota
Private home gyms
NUTRITION - I am also well studied on nutrition and specialize in weightloss and weight management programs.
I have customized routines for Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced levels of fitness. My services include a fitness assessment so that I can further tailor my programs to fit your needs. I love to understand the goals and deliver the RESULTS!
I look forward to having our first conversation!
My favorite client story
Too many to list, lets talk!
My favorite exercise
The one I haven't done yet!
My favorite quote
A day without laughter is a day wasted.
My training philosophy
RESULTS, constant progression at any pace will work.
My training experience
I have been training high end professionals (and their families) in the Sarasota market since 2014. I have three different Certifications from one of the more difficult certifying agencies ACE (American Council on Exercise). On a personal level I was awarded Overall Champion (regional level) for a fitness competition. I note this because I was trained by champions and so now I am all about Building Champions!
Areas of Expertise
- Strength Training
- Weight Loss
- Nutrition
NCCA Accredited Certifications

Additional Certifications
ACE Certified Sports Nutritionist, Senior Fitness Specialist
Who I Especially Like Working With
Men, Middle-aged, Seniors, Women
Medical Conditions Experience
Arthritis, Autoimmune Diseases, Bone/Joint Injury, Dementia, Fibromyalgia, Joint Pain
Training Areas Served
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