Dustin Gunderson

About Dustin
I hope you're ready for a good time. I have been in the fitness industry for 6+ years and one thing I have learned is that in order for results to stick you got to love what you do. Try to make every session fun no matter how tough it is and learn to look at your body, not as society deems you should look, but as a healthy vessel. I pride myself on my knowledge in the fitness industry but truthfully it's not my knowledge it's yours. I am your resource to use to develop better health or learn a new skill. I have a Bachelors's degree in Community Health with a concentration in physical activity. I am currently a Certified Exercise Physiologist and have a Second Degree BlackBelt in Isshinryu Karate. I am also certified in Jungshin Fitness and as a Fitness Nutrition Specialist. The reason I have gained numerous certification is that I want to be able to help as many people as I can. I believe that exercise should not be work but be something you enjoy doing. I was always told that if you enjoy what you do you will never work a day in your life and that applies to how you use exercise. I found my love of exercise through martial arts, so I encourage you to find an activity you like to do. You never know it may just change your life.
My favorite client story
Thank you so much for all the tips and recommendations for nutrition and body workouts! I really appreciated your upbeat attitude during all the hours spent working out. It kept me motivated and made it fun to go to the gym! I am certainly going to miss coming to the gym and working out with you! And I really hope you have a great time teaching at LSUS, I'm sure you'll be a great and fun teacher....Nay a professor! Anywho keep up the great work and I hope you have a blessed life.
Professor Sensei Dustin”
My favorite exercise
I don't really have a favorite exercise but if I had to choose it would be the push-up. This no equipment needed exercise can help tone the whole body, including the abs. So, don't think this is just a chest exercise but so much more.
My favorite quote
"People don't care how much you know,
Until they know how much you care".
Theodore Roosevelt
My training philosophy
Everyone has the potential to live a healthier life. The goal is to find the type of activity that you can do life long.
My training experience
I have spent the last 2 years working as a Physical Therapy Technician with the goal of learning how to work with those that feel exercise is out of reach for them. Pain and disability can be limiters to exercise but they are not preventers of exercise.
NCCA Accredited Certifications
Additional Certifications
ACE Fitness Nutrition Specialist, NASM MMA Conditioning Specialist
MBA, Bachelor's in Community Health
Medical Conditions Experience
Back Pain/Issues, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's Disease
Training Areas Served
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