Jolene Hubert
About Jolene
Jolene has been training for over 30 years in New Orleans Louisiana and the Mississippi Gulf Coast.
With Jolene you will make the mind muscle connection with intentional training methods.
After years of seeing so many people out there trying to lose weight and tone up their muscles but they were going about it in the wrong way. Jolene Implements the mind muscle connection to you save time and frustration so you can reach your goals sooner rather than later.
30+ Years in the Business, IFPA Certified Personal Trainer, ASFA. Certified Senior Specialist, ASFA Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist, Certified Health and wellness Coach, C.P.R./A.E.D. Certified
Areas of Expertise
- Nutrition
- Weight Loss
- Flexibility and Mobility
- Muscular Definition
- Muscle Gain
- Functional Training
- Wellness
- Corrective Exercise
NCCA Accredited Certifications
Additional Certifications
CPR/AED/First Aid, ASFA Functional Fitness Certification, ASFA Health and Wellness Coach
AA Business
Who I Especially Like Working With
Beginners, Middle-aged, Overweight/ Obese, Peri/Post-menopausal, Post-rehab, Seniors, Women
Medical Conditions Experience
Menopause, Metabolic Dysfunction, Obesity, Osteoporosis, Scoliosis
Training Areas Served
In-home or Outdoor Training
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