Deemar Fuentes lightening bolt

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About Deemar

I have a passion for helping others not to only reach their full potential with the way the way they look but also the way they feel. To see the end result with you being confident in yourself to do everything that set you back in the past with absolutely no worries. When we finish with trainin my clients feel like conquering the world lol and that's where I have to come in and say well just dont end up in jail! Thats what drives me; thats  the most rewarding to me. All I ask is you give me your all because I'll be giving you mine.

My favorite client story

I had a client who struggled with diabetes and on top of that she was very overweight and unhealthy when I first met her. She gave me her all in her journey, it was quiet inspiring I couldn’t wait to train her the next day. I’m weird. Anyway one day she came in crying to me, I was freaking out, she’s a warrior shes never sad about anything. I asked what’s wrong and she says these are tears of joy and I said ok… well that’s great I stay staring at her awkwardly, She laughs and says you don’t even know the reason why yet; she hands me the paper and it showed results, she was as healthiest she can be, it’s been years for her she thought she would never see the day she even was able to get off her high blood pressure medication. She says thank you so much for everything I could walk without having to stop every 10 minutes, I can get out the bed with no struggle, she even found a lover! I almost teared but I’m a trainer, we don’t do that lol

My favorite exercise

Burpees just kidding a simple bicep curl.

My favorite quote

Live like you’re god.

My training philosophy

Mhm I don’t really have one. Everyone has a unique story I just roll with what they give me

My training experience

12 years experience. Mostly weight loss journeys

Areas of Expertise

  • Core and Balance
  • Nutrition
  • Strength Training
  • Weight Loss
  • Flexibility and Mobility
  • Muscle Gain
  • Posture
  • TRX
  • Functional Training
  • Massage
  • Myofascial Release
  • Corrective Exercise

NCCA Accredited Certifications

NASM Certified Personal Trainer

Additional Certifications

Weight Loss Specialist, Precision Nutrition 1, ISSA Bodybuilding Specialist, DotFit Certified Nutrition Specialist

Who I Especially Like Working With

Actors, Beginners, Law Enforcement, LGBTQIA, Military, Models, Overweight/ Obese, Student-athletes, Youth

Medical Conditions Experience

ADHD, Anxiety, Back Pain/Issues, Bad Posture, Depression, High Blood Pressure, Limited Mobility

Got my jumpstart transformation with Dee! I had never been to a gym. Dee worked hard at getting me started on my way to my goal with encouragement, customized routine and always filling up to make sure I don’t give up. Very personable and professional and genuinely cares. I highly recommend him.

Deemar F.

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