Jose De Alba

About Jose
10 Years of Natural Bodybuilding and many conversations with inquiring friends and family members later I decided to finally pursue Personal Training. I would often teach people in person proper technique, give them training programs, and help them reach their goals, simply because I loved helping others. It is my goal to be able to provide this service to many others and ultimately allow them to thrive in fitness and health for the rest of their years!
There is no single type of student I've worked with.
Age Range: from 15-50+
Weight Range: from 110-350lbs+
Height Range: from 5'2"-6'5"
Athletic Experience: None - Experience Athlete
I've worked with people that fall within that spectrum and have seen amazing results in the different, customized workout programs, specifically tailored to their individual needs.
If you're looking to hire an expert make sure they are one that's committed to contributing to your overall knowledge, and will help build your programs specifically to you. It's easy for personal trainers to give each client the same workout template and call it day, however this ignores the facts that each student is different, has different limitations, and different abilities. It is in the individualized programs that you will see a better balance overall in muscular symmetry and development. You should also go into it with at least a small base of knowledge, this way you can pick up the training much quicker.
For anyone newly starting out I always recommend this online course that teaches those basics of some diet tips, muscle groups, and basic workouts to train them. It's an amazing resources for all beginners!
Areas of Expertise
- Weight Loss
- Muscular Definition
- Muscle Gain
NCCA Accredited Certifications

Bachelor's of Accounting, MBA Strategic Sustainability
Who I Especially Like Working With
Beginners, Bodybuilders, Brides-to-be, Overweight/ Obese, Student-athletes, Youth
In-home or Outdoor Training
Session Surcharge: $5
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