ACE certified personal trainer

Jane Waldmann lightening bolt

Verified 7 Reviews
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vaccinated COVID-19 Vaccinated

About Jane


I am a certified personal trainer by the American Council on Exercise specialized in 55+ senior training, corrective exercise and mindfulness effective exercises for health and overall well-being.

If you need help to improve your flexibility, balance and calmness in mind & body and to get more strength and confidence in everyday's activities, I can help you. All exercises we do are customized to your fitness level and movement limitations. Training will be at your home  in a large good ventilated air-conditioned room, patio or a quiet your community gym if it is not crowded (due to the flue, covid and for prevention in general)

The workouts will be safe, easy to understand and efficient. 

In addition, a customized corrective exercise program can address any muscular imbalances in posture and movement. This program helps to work towards alignment and gives the client a better understanding in how the body functions as a whole to help reduce chronic pain like back, neck or pain in general due to musculoskeletal imbalances and to finally better enjoy your daily activities and hobbies. 

Virtual training is offered for local clients who are traveling.


My favorite client story

A senior client Barbara (65 years) texted me one day and told me:
Thank you so much, Jane. The Publix bagger was so surprised that I carried a 5 gallon container of drinking water to the checkout, and then to the parking lot!

Please note that this very nice senior lady could hardly walk or move 2 years before.

Another senior client (74 years) improved his golf swing as his whole body felt looser and more dynamic PLUS his knee pain was gone after 3 months of training with customized very simple corrective "homework" exercises.

A 69 year old female client Janet said her panic attacks calmed and her anxieties were almost gone. She was doing her daily meditation exercises, which helped her a lot.

My favorite exercise

The one you consciously do with the intention to do something good for yourself.

My favorite quote

“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now”

My training philosophy

Less pain more gain. Behind each movement and exercise is a purpose.

My training experience

12 years of personal training with adults and seniors for mobility, strength/toning, reducing anxieties, aquatic aerobic training, corrective exercises to reduce stiffness and muscular tension, effective mindfulness exercises for calmness and balance in body and mind.

Areas of Expertise

  • Core and Balance
  • Flexibility and Mobility
  • Posture
  • Functional Training
  • Injury Prevention
  • Stress Reduction
  • Corrective Exercise
  • Myofascial Release

NCCA Accredited Certifications

ace certification ACE Certified Personal Trainer

Additional Certifications

Corrective Exercise Specialist, Senior Fitness Specialist

Who I Especially Like Working With

Beginners, Post-rehab, Seniors, Women

Medical Conditions Experience

Anxiety, Arthritis, Headaches/Migraines, Joint Pain, Knee Pain/Issues, Limited Mobility, Neck Pain, Plantar fasciitis, Postural Issues, Sciatica, Scoliosis

I loved the way you did it - upright movement when you started, the best meditation, and gentle wake up exercises to finish. i felt great afterward.

Betsy O.

I was recommended the Biomechanics Method for my lower back pain issues and it took a few sessions with everyday homework before I noticed a subtle but very noticeable difference.

Christine K.

A text msg from a client with arthritis: Thank you so much, Jane. The Publix bagger was so surprised that I carried a 5 gallon container of drinking water to the checkout, and then to the parking lot.

Barbara T.

This Cognitive Anatomy work really helps me with my spasms in my upper back. They already started to relax when you were working on the legs. Thank you so much.

Mark W.

I have been training with Jane Waldman for over six months and she is exceptionally good. Jane has developed a comprehensive long term plan for my sessions. This involves strength training, stretching, balance, nutrition, and my general well-being. Jane has also advised me on how best to improve myself outside our individual sessions. Since working with Jane I physically feel much better and motivated to keep improving. In addition, and with some dietary changes, I have lost 36 lbs. over this period. I could not recommend Jane Waldman more highly.

Gary K.

Es ist normal, dass mit zunehmendem Alter die Beweglichkeit und die Kraft der Muskulatur abnimmt. Ich hatte große Probleme, die Stufen abwärts zu gehen und ich ging mit großer Vorsicht und verkrampft. Warum – das wusste ich nicht. Ich holte mir professionelle Hilfe von Jane und da wurde mein Defizit sofort erkannt. Mir fehlte das Gefühl für die Balance – und die ist in so vielen Situationen wichtig. In einigen Trainingsstunden und mit einfachen Übungen bekam ich das Gefühl für Balance wieder. Seither kann ich die Stufen abwärts ohne Probleme gehen. Aber auch viele andere Bewegungen, wo die Balance so wichtig ist, schaffe ich. z.B. Einbeinstand, Fuß nach links und rechts drehen, auf einer Linie Fuß – Ferse gehen. Hätte nicht gedacht, dass das im Alter von 78 Jahren noch möglich ist. Vielen Dank für Deine Hilfe!

Christine W.

Jane has a great deal of experience in overall health. She knows how to treat your body so that you can become as healthy as possible. I am always surprised when I work with her how tiny movements change everything. Working with Jane for over 6 months has been a wonderful journey with all her amazing knowledge. My health has improved in peripheral neuralgia, pudendal neuralgia, back pain, and other areas that allow the body to heal itself. If you are willing to do the work, your health will improve with Jane's help. She is such a wonderful person.

Debbie G.

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