Milan Selmek lightening bolt

15 Reviews
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About Milan

I have been training for over 15 years. Over the years , i have tried different workout and diet routines to learn and figure out what is right for the body and how to apply it. I design workout plan for each client separately as every body is different and requires unique approach based on body type and diet history. This approach separates me from most of the trainers who just follow basic magazine routines for everybody and clients are not seeing real results and eventually lose motivation.

I welcome every age,race,body type . 

Lets go :)

My favorite client story

"I've been working out for 10 years with different trainers and I never got the results I've got with Milan"

My favorite exercise

Jump squat , Tripple frontal press , pulls ups , Circuit training

My favorite quote

What you give is what you get

My training philosophy

Knowing what to do and how to do it is most important. Technique and correct form comes first. Not the weight nor the amount of reps.

My training experience

15 years of experience in fitness and nutrition

Areas of Expertise

  • Strength Training
  • Weight Loss
  • Boxing
  • Muscular Definition

NCCA Accredited Certifications

ISSA Certified Personal Trainer

I have struggled with weight loss for a long time. Milan taught me how to diet and gives me motivation to be consistent with my routine. I finally now see the results that i've been working for. Highly recommend!

Milan S.

Milan pushes me through my limits , keeps me motivated and inspired to keep training and eating healthy .

Tim P.

I didn't know that you can actually eat good tasting food while still losing fat. I found out that training and dieting can be easy and fun , if you have the right trainer. :)

Jessica P.

Since i started training with Milan , i have been on my A game. He is constantly motivating me and making sure i'm on top of my game. High level of dedication to his work and clients

Terry C.

Milan motivates me to be the best i can be. He knows how to train , he knows how to diet , and he always reliable. Cant ask for more!

Tony S.

I am in the best shape i have ever been . Best trainer out there

Sara M.

Milan designed a diet specific for my needs and makes me stick to it. I have been losing a lot of weight , i didnt even think was possible. Amazing,

Mike L.

Milan has a personal approach that truly makes working out effective and fun. Love it!

Connor S.

Milan was fantastic at helping me blow past my fitness goals and help me push my mind through the process. By far the best trainer I've ever had! I highly recommend him

Ben K.

I've lost 20 lbs in just 2 months !. Absolutely amazing trainer.

Thomas P.

Milan is very skilled , knows what to do , how to execute and how to push. Very happy with my results.

Simone A.

Milan is exactly what I’ve been looking for in a trainer; he’s non-judgmental and really understands my goals and my limits. I love how flexible his schedule is, we’re in touch at the beginning of the week to find the best time to meet. I wasn’t into buying tons of equipment and he’s been great about helping me find ways to do home workouts with just the dumbbells and bands I have. He is really knowledgeable about nutrition and has helped me make a diet plan to accompany the weight training we do. Most importantly he always keeps things positive and we have fun conversation during our sessions. Super happy to be working with Milan !!

Will G.

Before training with Milan , i never enjoyed working out and wasn't seeing results. Now i do!

Jeremy C.

Milan makes me enjoy working which i never did before. Now i am consistent and i see the fruits of my labor

Melody K.

Was working out on my own for 3 years and didnt see any real results , now i know why. Thanks for guidance Milan !

Peter M.

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